One family, from the end of the Napoleonic era to the present times, has ruled the banking system of Europe, the Rothschild Family. The Rothschild's are of German-Jewish decent, and have been said to have a total wealth of anywhere from 10-100 trillion dollars! During the Napoleonic wars an opportunistic business man named Nathan Mayer Rothschild financed the British and Continental Armies helping them to a win over Napoleons forces. Before the war the Rothschild family was already rich and they used that large financial backing to buy bonds right after the war knowing that in the next couple of years it would shoot up. 2 years after the war Nathan Rothschild made close to a 40% profit from his bonds. After financing the defeat of France, the french economy was in shambles and the Rothschild Family stepped in offering gold for backing up currency, but with the condition of setting up their banking system in France. With great success in France they set up banking in England, Switzerland, and the Prussian Empire. However their most controversial move came during World War I when they provide financial backing for both sides but mostly for Germany, but when they saw that Germany was losing they pulled out and let them get defeated. After words they again set up a banking system in Germany. Many say that this is the reason for Hitlers anti-semetic beliefs. This family has done this all through out Europe and is said to have shares in the Federal Reserve, The Canadian National
Bank, the British Bank, German national bank, French national Bank, and private Swiss banks who hold the money of most of the richest people in the world. This family has had control of European and arguably the world financial system. I dream that I could be as successful as them building a wealth dynasty that lasts for centuries like the Rothschild family.
Geez..don't forget us little people when you become that powerful :)